
Hydrodynamics and Hydrology

Verkís’ experts have extensive experience in the field of hydrodynamics and hydrology.

Verkís has been involved in a number of projects in the field of hydrodynamics and hydrology, which involve calculations, research, and modelling related to the design and construction of structures and risk assessment.

A wide range of expertise

The company has a dynamic team that works on a wide variety of calculation models, such as to evaluate and analyse river flow, groundwater flow, sea currents, avalanches, mud floods, and rockfalls, flow in pipe systems and winds. The models are used, among other things, in the assessment of the spread of floods, runoff, the distribution of pollution in water and air, fluvial sediment transport and sedimentation, hummocked ice formation, analysis of pipe systems, and the design of all kinds of waterways.

Our experts undertake a variety of projects in these areas, such as the design of waterways, dams and flood defenses, the design of sewage systems, outlets into the sea, water and heating utilities, and the simulation, and analysis of floods and groundwater. We also undertake the analysis of fluvial sediment transport, erosion and sedimentation, calculations of the distribution of pollution in the sea and air, analysis of winds at structures, and flood risk.

Verkís offers monitoring of the flow of waterfalls and the level of groundwater. Among the company’s measuring devices are flow rate metres and continuously recording pressure sensors.

Our experts have expertise in specialised modelling and years of modelling experience to estimate river flow, groundwater flow, and simulate avalanches, to name a few.



Gísli S. Pétursson
Water Resources Engineer / Team Leader
Svið: Energy and industry

Hörn Hrafnsdóttir
Water Resources Engineer M.Sc.
Svið: Energy and industry

Sigurður Grétar Sigmarsson
Water Resources Engineer M.Sc. / Marketing manager
Svið: Infrastructure