The principal objective of the project is to develop district heating systems for space heating and domestic hot water, where the power and energy of the geothermal water will be extracted and distributed in an efficient manner. The development of geothermal district heating in Xianyang will improve the quality of life of its inhabitants and enhance the economic development of the area. Also, the use of geothermal energy to replace coal and other fossil fuels will reduce air pollution and thus contribute to a cleaner environment.
The Eastern area is located on the north bank of the Wei River. By 2020, it will have buildings with a floor area of a total of 4 million m2. In the long term, the goal of the geothermal district heating project is to cover as much as possible of the area with geothermal energy. In the first phase, a geothermal district heating system will be developed for 1,5 million m2 in the university garden for a total land area of 2,4 km2. The area will mainly consist of schools and universities together with some student housing buildings.
The Fenghe new area, located on the south bank of the Wei River, is currently under development. By the end of the planned development period (2012), there will be a total of 5 million m2 of housing and office buildings in this area. The aim of this project is to plan and develop the geothermal district heating system that is to supply the area with energy for space heating and domestic hot water.
The geothermal district heating systems will be designed, constructed and operated in accordance with the technology that has been used and proven in Iceland.
Verkís services was feasibility study, conceptual design, project management and supervision.