
Vessel Land Connections

Not only do ships need power when sailing the world’s oceans, many of them also need electricity when they are docked.

Vessel land connections have been available in Icelandic ports since well before the 1980s.

Why should we use land connections for vessels?

These land connections have been for smaller ships, but not for the largest ships such as larger fishing vessels when landing, cargo ships, patrol ships, research ships, and cruise ships. The reason for this is that the ports do not have sufficiently powerful connections and that some of these vessels are not equipped to connect to land electricity in Iceland. Verkís has taken on numerous projects in land connections for vessels.

Land connecting ships is an environmentally friendly solution, as their auxiliary engines can be turned off when they are docked and then connected to electricity. This stops all burning of fuel and there will also be less noise pollution from the ships while they are in the port.

Iceland is among the 187 countries that are parties to the Paris Agreement, which obliges nations to work together to keep human-caused global warming within certain limits. In order to achieve that goal, the Icelandic government has put forward an action plan in climate matters, which examines which areas are viable to reduce emissions. There is a lot of work to be done, in the energy transition of transport. Verkís contributes, among other things, by sharing knowledge and experience.

In order to be able to connect a ship to shore, the electrical system at ports and on the quay must be strengthened so that the connections can provide the necessary power. Verkís has worked on land connection projects around Iceland for ports and energy companies as well as gaining expertise by, amongst other things, closely following the development of larger land connections in other countries.

The land connection of vessels is an environmentally friendly solution and plays a key role in the Icelandic government’s climate action plan.


Hallgrímur Örn Arngrímsson
Civil Engineer M.Sc. / Marketing manager
Division: Infrastructure

Kjartan Jónsson
Electrical and Business Industrial Engineer
Division: Energy and industry