
Verkís at IIGCE 2019 in Indonesia

IIGCE 2019
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Indonesia International Geothermal Convention and Exhibition (IIGCE 2019) will be held in Indonesia from August 13rd to August 15th. Verkís will share booth nr. C-28 at the exhibition area with Mannvit, CBN and ÍSOR.

The IIGCE 2019’s theme of “Making Geothermal the Energy of Today” is a compelling desire of all stakeholders to advance the geothermal development in meeting the country’s energy needs.

Verkís, Mannvit, CBN and Ísor are a group of companies that have worked together in the past, providing a full range of services to geothermal operators, developers and investors in Asia.

We encourage all attendees to visit the group’s booth C-28 to share with us their project experience and ongoing projects.

World goals

IIGCE 2019
IIGCE 2019 logo