- The keys to succesful geothermal projects
Reykjavik Geothermal District Heating – A most sophisticated system
The Westman Islands – Where energy is scarce – an intriguing example of the flexibility of district heating
Geothermal District Heating in China – An Impressive rise
- Geothermal district heating
Presentation by Þorleikur Jóhannesson at the DOE workshop in Pittsburgh, August 17, 2015.
- Utilisation of geothermal resources
Categorisation of geothermal areas
District heating in Reykjavík
Hellisheiði Power Plant and hot water main
Reykjanes power plants
Svartsengi Resource Park
Snow melting in Reykjavík
- How policy, technology and innovation can foster geothermal district heating development.
An Icelandic case study. EGC 2016 – European Geothermal Congress.
Þorleikur Jóhannesson (Verkís), Carine Chatenay (Verkís), Hildigunnur H. Thorsteinsson (Reykjavík Energy), Ívar Atlason (HS Veitur), Albert Albertsson (HS Veitur).
- Optimisation of intake trashracks.
Hydro conference 2015.
S. Bjarnason (Verkís), H. Jóhannesson (Landsvirkjun). - IDDP-2 Well Head Equipment and Test Setup.
World Geothermal Congress 2015.
Oskar P. Einarsson (Verkís), Thorleikur Johannesson (Verkís), Albert Albertsson (HS Orka), Geir Thorolfsson (HS Orka), Gudmundur O. Fridleifsson (HS Orka). - Common area control system for 6 hydropower plants, 935 MW – The Þjórsá and Tungnaá area in Iceland
Hydro conference 2015.
The Þjórsá and Tungnaá area in Iceland, J. Pálmason (Verkís), V. Knútsson (Landsvirkjun), D. V. Loftsson (Landsvirkjun).
- Hydropower project in artic area – Greenland.
Hydro conference 2014.
Æ. Jóhannsson (Verkís), S. H. Sigurðsson (Verkís), G. Guðmundsson (ISTAK). See more, the Ilulissat hydropower plant in Greenland.
- Calculation of minimum water flow through a hydropower tunnel required to prevent freezing in permafrost rock near Ilulissat, Greenland, using a transient, three-dimensional heat transfer model.
The International hydro power conference in Prague, Czech Republic, October 2011.
A paper by O. P. Einarsson, Æ. Jóhannesson and K. M. Sigurjónsson presented. - Converting wall roughness to hydraulic roughness in fully turbulent pipe flow: Small-scale experiments and large-scale measurements at the Kárahnjúkar HEP, Iceland.
The International Journal on Hydropower & Damsional, HYDRO Prague, Czech Republic, 2011.
A paper by K. M. Hákonardóttir, P.R. Pálmason, A. Kasprzyk og K. Filipek, published.
- Asymmetric sudden enlargement energy dissipater in Jökulsá Tunnel of the Kárahnjúkar HEP in Iceland.
The International hydro power conference in Lisbon, Portugal, September 2010.
A paper by Th. S. Leifsson and A. Bauman presented.
- Geothermal Energy as Replacement for Oil and Gas – A Proven Option among the Renewables.
The 5th International Oil and Gas Conference. Sibenik, Croatia, September 29th-October 1, 2009.
A lecture on Geothermal energy by O. B. Björnsson, Ph.D given. - Heat pump enhanced district heating in low-temperature geothermal areas.
The International Geothermal Days, Slovakia 26th to 29th May 2009. Častá Papiernička Slovakia.
A lecture held by O. B. Björnsson, Ph.D. - Reliable power delivery from a powerstation dedicated to a single user. The Kárahnjúkar Powerstation in Iceland.
The International hydro power conference in Lyon, France, October 2009.
A paper by H Th Helgason, A. Benediktsson, K M Sigurjonsson and S I Olafsson presented.
- Geothermal energy price issues: Selling and pricing – Various ways to sell heat, comparison between methods.
Xianyang Geothermal Conference 2006.
An article by Th Erlingsson, Th Johannesson, C Chatenay and Th S. Olafsson.