With sustainability as a guide

Verkís’ sustainability

Verkís’ mission is to create value and support the development of society and its infrastructure through expert advice and design. With a clear vision for the future, Verkís has developed a strategic focus on customers, staff, and society. The company places strong emphasis on sustainability, service, and human resources policies, all of which align with the United Nations’ global goals and the UN Global Compact.

Verkís takes great pride in ensuring that its activities benefit everyone. We encourage responsibility in our work, guided by sustainability to positively impact society and the environment. Our staff is dedicated to finding solutions and delivering services that meet the key criteria for sustainable development.

Sustainability at Verkís
Career development
total emission

Main findings of the 2023 sustainability report

Verkís’s total emission in 2023y

In 2023, Verkís’ total Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions amounted to 511 tons of CO2 equivalent, resulting in an average of 1.4 tons of CO2 equivalent per employee.

Emissions from all scopes increased over the years, with the largest portion of Verkís’ carbon footprint still arising from scope 3. Scope 3 encompasses indirect emissions, including those from waste and staff commute to and from work.

In 2023, Verkís took their annual festival trip to Croatia, resulting in an additional 342 tons of CO2 emissions. Consequently, a total of 853 tons of CO2 was the carbon offset with certified carbon units for the year.

Main findings of the 2023 sustainability report

Origin of emissions 2023

In 2023, Verkís’ largest emission factors fell under scope 3, comprising 66% of the company’s total emissions. This includes staff commuting  and work-related travel, which increased from the previous year as more employees preferred coming to work rather than working from home. Scope 3 also covers waste, with the total amount from all Verkis’ operations reaching 31 tons, resulting in an average of 66 kg of waste per employee for the year. Notably, the recycling rate of waste from Verkís’ general operations was 92% in 2023.

Greenhouse gas emissions in scope 1 include direct emissions from the company, such as those produced by using fossil fuels in vehicles during Verkís’ operations, totaling 35 tons of CO2 equivalent. Scope 2 , which includes  indirect emissions resulting from the company’s use of electricity and heat, amounted to 14.3 tons of CO2 equivalent.

Global Goals

The United Nations’ Global Goals

Verkís’ Focus Areas

Verkís emphasizes implementing sustainability in all aspects of its operations. This focus will be a guiding light for the company’s staff and management, and is part of the company’s duties and goals.

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Sustainability Report 2023

Verkís has been publishing its sustainability report since 2015. The report aims to highlight how Verkís has successfully integrated sustainability criteria into both its operations and the services it provides while also achieving its sustainability goals for the year. The report is based on  Nasdaq’s UFS guidelines covering Environment, Social Aspects, and Governance.

The year 2023 marked Verkís’ first normal working year in the last four years, following disruptions caused by the pandemic and associated travel and gathering restrictions from 2020 to 2022. Significant progress was made during this past year. The results of this report provide us with a clearer view of our performance and highlight areas that require improvements. Verkís must now carefully evaluate its goals and outline clear actions to achieve the targets set for 2030.

Sustainability report

Responsibility at work

Objectives and achievements in climate matters

We place great emphasis on fulfilling our social responsibilities as a leading company in our sector. Therefore, we have established a clear climate policy to make a significant impact on global scales.

In 2015, Verkís signed a declaration, in cooperation with Festa, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Verkís committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2030, monitoring progress and regularly publishing updates on its status.

Climate goals