
Verkís in cooperation on geothermal resources in India

Cooperation on geothermal resources in India

Earlier this month, the Indian consulting company Techon signed, together with Verkís and ÍSOR (Iceland GeoSurvey), a memorandum of understanding for cooperation on geothermal production and utilization in India.

The three companies have been looking at opportunities in this field in the country for several years and are working together on a geothermal power plant in the Puga region of India.

There is a growing interest in the geothermal potential of this region of India. The energy authorities in India want to see increased sustainability in energy production, and oil companies need to explore new ways in line with today´s focus on climate issues. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iceland and the Embassy of Iceland in Delhi have also contributed to the establishment of new relationships and projects.

Verkís and ÍSOR will provide extensive experience and knowledge on geothermal exploration, development and utilization as well as project management in good cooperation with their colleagues in India.

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Cooperation on geothermal resources in India